Welcome To FleurHerbia

FleurHerbia was created in 2012 with a love of nature and the idea to supply products from the farm to the Zambian and International markets. 


At about 1130m altitude we grow flowers and vegetable seed crops, we produce vegetable seedlings and herbs, we distill essential oils and we make our own honey.

We have a team of 24 workers who daily put their full effort into our different products. For our seed production, our main activities evolve from February until November; the most beautiful time during the African winter, from May – August. Also, our honey usually gets harvested twice a year. 

From Our Farm

Eighty kilometers South of Lusaka, enroute to the Victoria Falls, our family farm named ‘Mubuyu’ is situated on a fertile plateau at the foot of the historic Munali mountain pass, where David Livingstone first sighted the Kafue River here in 1855 on his great trans-Africa journey.

The local community benefits from rigorous ethical farming practices under an internationally recognised set of criteria.